Health and Taste: with Parmigiano Reggiano you can! Even after the holidays.

As we come to the end of the holiday season, good intentions abound: promises of more intense and regular physical activity, but above all a healthier and more balanced diet.

Assuming that any food can still have contraindications (especially if consumed in excessive quantities), Parmigiano Reggiano (in our case Organic), even after the big Christmas and New Year’s Eve dinners, thanks to its exceptional properties, can continue to be part of our meals without any particular restrictions.

Why do doctors also recommend Parmigiano Reggiano?

Parmigiano Reggiano is considered one of the healthiest cheeses from a nutritional point of view, due to a variety of characteristics

Low Lactose Content: Parmigiano Reggiano has the lowest lactose content among cheeses. The higher the level of ripening, the lower the lactose level. From 36 months of ripening onwards it also becomes suitable for lactose intolerant people, reaching almost 0% at 72 months of ripening.

High digestibility: again thanks to its long maturing period, the proteins inside Parmigiano Reggiano are much easier to digest. Suffice it to say that meat proteins take on average 4 hours to be digested, compared to 45 minutes for Parmesan.

Rich in Calcium: characterised by an excellent calcium-phosphorus ratio, which facilitates its absorption, it is one of the cheeses richest in calcium. Needless to emphasise the importance of this element in maintaining bones in good condition and preventing bone-related diseases (first and foremost osteoporosis).

Rich in Protein: Parmigiano Reggiano is an extremely high protein and energy food. This makes it particularly suitable for periods when one resumes sporting activities, which usually also coincides with the end of the holidays 🙂

Modest cholesterol content: granted that cholesterol is present in Parmigiano Reggiano, it is however present in small quantities (less than 100 mg per 100 g), lower than the average cheese. It is certainly not a red-ticket value (especially if placed within the general extremely positive nutritional picture), provided that consumption is responsible and controlled.

Low fat content: fat-free cheeses do not exist. Parmigiano is no exception, but still has a moderate amount compared to the average. The content is around 29%, lower than in almost all cheeses produced in Italy.

Modest calorie content: 100 grams of Parmigiano Reggiano contain about 430 calories, so it is not a high-calorie food. If assimilated in the right quantities, it is not able to create imbalances in this respect.

Organic (when it is): an aspect not to be underestimated. As we explained above, Parmigiano Reggiano is an excellent product in itself, and if it is produced according to organic parameters, it reaches really, really high levels of excellence! The CCPB certification is the one that is usually taken as a reference for this sector, but we will go into this in more detail in a future article.

All in all, we can say that even after the great feasts of the holidays, a piece of Parmigiano at the table cannot be taken away from us!


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